Pulled this on prerelease and was wondering if this ruined it or increases it's rarity.
Wrathful red dragon and blasphemous act
Who is your first prime frame?
Looking for a fic
My idea for a new summoning mechanic: Splice Summoning
I thought he was joking
Do i have a legal case.
Goku so i'm good
Is forbidden droplet really bad
Why are MD players like this... just end the duel
can this work or does it fail
why didnt my opponents mek knight link do anything
Should I put super poly in my hero deck?
new deck ideas
You can only Normal/Tribute, Special, Ritual, Fusion Summon. What does your deck look like?
reading beforehand could've saved him
In The Hall Of The Mountain King (Techno Remix)
Breaks at work?
Who's coming to save you?
Crystal Beasts will pay for Snake-Eyes' sins
Hello hello!! ♡ I just downloaded the game and am new to yugioh would love help on my first deck,also saw this campaign code thing and wanted to ask if anyone could use mine 33c86e83. Send me your code and ill also add :3
Write yours down below and i will help you out to :)
Archetype improvements
Why is Dimond easier than platinum