Blockbuster didn’t have a public bathroom and everything else around was closed.
What's a scam that everyone just accepts as normal?
Y’all are lookin’ mighty pretty down there tonight from 45,000’
Why don't kids with abusive fathers hit them back once they grow up?
Moon rocks. I have one. I have no idea what to do with it.
What dead rappers do you miss the most?
What ethnicity would you say I am from this food?
Can people actually taste a difference in Pepsi and Coca cola?
What is a luxury that most people don't realise is a luxury?
Oklahoma bill would make it a crime punishable by jail time to “possess” a shopping cart belonging to a business
What does my car say about me?
Did anybody ever have “police day” at school?
Used/ cheap tires.
Can you go to college if you're stupid?
What do you think happens when we die?
Am I supposed to have my own home and family by 23?
Recommendations pahhlease.
How old are you and what were you doing in your life this exact day 42 years ago on Jan 25 1983?
Movies that'll fuck my mind.
Why does there appear to be no actual pushback by Americans against the destruction of their own lives and country by Trump and the oligarchs/Nazis?
What's the one insult you'll never forget?
What band did you see in a small venue before they broke big?
What is he picking up his lady in tonight?
What is one decision that altered your destiny?
What is something that social media ruined for you?