people of reddit, what are some simple and (preferably) legal ways to make money?
What is your favorite quote?
What’s the first thing you’ll do if Trump gets re-elected?
If you could replace the word "Girl" with the word "Squirrel" in any song title or lyric, what would the new version be?
If you could go back in time and have a fifteen minute conversation with your 10 year old self. What would you tell them?
How do you piss off an entire fandom?
Drag Race catchphrases for my Animal Crossing Characters !!
what's your opinion on tyra?
Doing a rewatch binge of post-season-6 seasons. What's your least favourite?
What is something you want to get off your chest?
People of reddit, what is the oddest phobia that you have?
What do you do when you are sad?
If it makes you happy, then why the hell are you so sad?
What do you think when you look in the mirror?
Which character has the best villain-to hero story? Which character has the opposite?
What is your background tv show?
What's it like being you?
What's your reason to live ?
What's a quote you think everyone should hear, at least once?
What are some minority opinions that you have about Drag Race?
Detox should have won all stars 2
What are your top three lip syncs? I'll use the figures to find out reddits top three lip syncs!!