I’m turning this photo into a paint by numbers! Could someone add a rainy background?
I’m just a mouse
ISO Mockingbird Skull
Starter is not rising 🥲
Yeah, I think I’m jacked up
Do I mow my lawn with this under my deck?
What a reasonable person.
Holly: Another window shattered by the same kids. This is the 3rd time in ~1 month. HELP
Why is it so difficult to pay TxTag tolls?
Austin area auto dealerships who weren't total jerks during the pandemic?
What's a food that you can't eat due to its texture?
Please recommend any kind of pop-rock-punk bands with female vocalist! Band doesn't have to sound like paramore.
My Dad (left) was a rockstar in the 70-80s.
Does anyone else feel like they make absolutely no sense when they speak?
Police Officers or Child Kidnappers? Hard to tell these days.
What's a non-essential grocery item you almost always buy because you just can't resist?
Best footwear??
Official Question Thread! Ask /r/photography anything you want to know about photography or cameras! Don't be shy! Newbies welcome!
If you’re a fan of rock or metal, I run two separate Spotify playlists dedicated to Austin area bands that play these genres of music and I’m here to invite you to discover local bands!
What television show is a 10/10 in your opinion?
Anybody get fever/headache after W2?
2022 ACL Buy/Sell/Trade Ticket Megathread
LAPD Officer Killed in Training ‘Accident’ Was Investigating Gang Rape by 4 Other Officers
Transgender 8th grader taken out of class for questioning by Texas child welfare investigator, mom says
Bravo-levities with OBVIOUS drug problems