Jenelle and Gary on IG
I really can’t go nowhere without being laughed at I seriously hate teenage boys in groups , plus a story about a cat
A gang of 20 men in my neighbourhood have been harassing me because they find me unattractive . I’m finally doing something about it but I need some advice
Emily's styling is horrible
It’s so upsetting how much people invalidate ugly people’s struggles.
I feel like shit everyday
does being ugly get easier??
Flying to Korea to get upset because men don’t look like your K-Pop fantasies 🤦♂️
Has anyone else had to self sabotage or end a talking phase because they know they’re too ugly in person? And they know they’d embarrass the person and feel like a catfish ?
finally...i finished...
crush found out i liked them this was their response (look at description)
Tophia threatening to block people after being asked about her brothers valentine who is 18 years old
Normies who insult us are not “projecting their insecurities” onto us
Have you been called ugly when you least expect it?
She posted a makeup tutorial and became a meme - all because of her looks
Have you even been asked to give reassurance or comforting by an ultra attractive person
To the women here: Do you also experience only old or creepy gross men checking you out?
The way people treat us ugly women is so cruel…
Curious... has Tophia ever had a boyfriend?
This woman is certifiable. I'm genuinely concerned for Maryssa
«can we talk about….» CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK?
Oh, she’s feeling herself rn.
Ugly women have it worse, and attractive women have it best
Absolutely brutal. I fucking hate being in public. Clear example of lookism. And reddit fucks will swear to you its not about looks its about “personality. I wish masks were normalized again so I could be chopped in peace.