Evil people always attempt to rewrite history.
WB pomade peformance
You better hope he does..... Local shop showing off
263 foot hot wheels track around the house
Lisa fucking Frank, man…I had no idea
Bernie and AOC in Tucson
Longmont Restaurant Bracket: Round 3!
Pomades for slickback
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Code Blue during clinicals
Which way to get hotter water
What's the best specialty to work in within nursing?
You can tell what someone's generation is by what scrub pants they wear.
Elder Millennials: What was the first DVD you can recall either buying (or your parents buying) or owning?
What is one nursing skill you hate doing?
Am I the only one rocking these?
What is a slang phrase that drives you crazy as a xennial?
Thoughts on Duke Cannon News Anchor Clay Pomade?
PSA: It’s Friday
What could help me control my hair a little bit more? Is thick and wavy.
Time to repair or just clean out?
Got these ?
Just for fun - pick your top 5 from the pictured guitarists!
Keep seeing pics from the 90s posted here as old school😭Seems like yesterday to me, class of 93😊
Raul Grijalva, longtime Tucson congressman, dies at 77