What is this weird box?
We need to talk about Flop from the CBeebies show "Bing"
Decided to splurge a bit and go to a nice dinner for a special occasion at Aria. We don't really go to these high-end restaurants often. I can understand the charge for sparkling but is it normal to charge $10.50 for still water at restaurants at this price point?
Cops on Enmore Road waiting to stop protestors going into the city
Eddie Hall holding 500kg world record deadlift as long as he can, even after the referee approves. Beast.
Maskless protester being a nuisance at the vaccine hub today. I’ve reported to crime stoppers. No mask and shouting that they cause blood clots, their unneeded and covid is just the flu.
Stabbing Reported (Six People) - George & Harrington Sts
Since we are sharing hardware, here is my leagues cup. Our names are engraved in it after winning and we get a turn carrying it around until the next session starts.
"Beerginners" champions in Sydney, Australia! tdhockey.com