Unstructured data -- What are come Cool/Fun/Perverse things you've done (or seen done)
Loading CSV files -- verify column count AND capture METADATA$FOO fields
Streamlit app deployment?
Presenting on Snowflake
AWS Snowpipe autoingestion - is the SQS-only "option 1" best choice if viable?
ENABLE_UNREDACTED_QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR parameter: behavior doesn't match docs. Question, call to action, mild rant.
Downside to specifying STORAGE_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID when creating S3 STORAGE INTEGRATION
Snowpro core recertification - same stock of questions as initial test?
Enable service account for short term use
Keyboard kit with a pointing stick and split left/right halves?
Can I see grants on a prior object after "create or replace"
Anaconda terms in Snowflake
Do any DML statements change rows in more than one table? How to track which queries update a table?
Looking for an uptempo jazz/swing song that starts with loud, staccato trumpets
Psychedelic jazz
Hey jazz heads. We need more Art Farmer praise in this place
Is there any repo with examples of Snowflake admin utilities? Or interest in contributing to one?
"Hot Take" or "No Duh"?: narrowly scoped "Service Accounts" don't need rbac
dbt core in cloud - capturing/using run artifacts, run_results.json, dbt.log
AWS Batch + EventBridge
Any online python quiz competition sites?
Is there a drawback to using connection urls on all long-lived Snowflake accounts?
Can you prevent Snowsight from using Account URL when using client redirect/connection url?
Mixing DBT and Dynamic tables in building transforms for Snowflake Data Warehouse
Which relational database do you believe is the best for handling JSON data?