What year did you play Cyberpunk 2077 ? First Playthrough.
best day of my life :) (not missing any skins now <3)
Do not play league and stand up just like we did for Skarner! For hextech chests!
Do not play league please
Thoughts on my proposed buffs?
I’m scared
How do I deal with AP Malphite as Kayle?
duality of Kayle players
More lies in the new broadcast
my Sim became pregnant, went through all 3 trimesters, and gave birth within 30 seconds. i have no idea what just happened
Será que vale a pena comprar o port de Bully no PC? Pelas reviews, eu vi que é muito bugado
I'm testing the re-release out, this is what I found
That was quick, just had enough time to create the family
I don't understand the negative reaction to the re-release news
Stormsurge worth it?
is anyone else experiencing error code EC:10005 cant connect to EA servers right now try again later?
Holy shit, so it IS a re-release
No Buff for kayle as of now for 25.S1.3
After so many hours of streaming the grind, I finally hit my goal on the ONE game I play off stream
This makes me happy
Evelynn needs a buff
I'm sorry but why the ult so shit?
Morgana should evolve like Kayle
Mel feels like Morgana 2.0 and i want buffs.
So is the patch out now? What's the general consensus?
Elder messaged me out of the blue