UCAS confirmation
Fellow oxbridge rejects, how are you doing now?
What LSE courses are people still waiting on
LSE Social Anthropology ??
The People who are online as of now.
Does anyone know if welsh bacc is included in this?
Year 12 work experience
Academic comeback of the century
Are people on this sub even real?
officially a Cambridge reject (HSPS, caius college)
To all the Cambridge rejects and the prior ox ones too
Which college and course has everyone applied to?
Is caius out for everyone?
Gonville and Caius don’t be scared send me the email xxxx
good morning + good luck
Good luck Cambroaches!
Why are Cambridge Applicants Such Chill Guys?
Gonville and Caius applicants?
cambs gang how are we feeling
See you all Thursday evening, much love xxxx
Edinburgh bread
Cambridge decisions in the air