Are you doomed as a single person trying to buy?
£7843.68 per year ground rent?
When was this property built?
Completed today! But, seller didn’t honour the fixtures and fittings and left lots of things behind. Should I take any further action?
How common is it to negotiate the price of a house?
Ex council flat: Asbestos risk?
Ex council flat UK: Asbestos risk?
How can that service charge be justified?
Opinion on flat
Arturia Keystep 32 not recognised as input?
First Poly - Absolutely loving the Muse
How much are the auxiliary cost of buying a house on average?
Is the market absolutely dead right now?
Buyers who purchased 1M+ home, how is it going?
What are good places to buy a house to commute to Brighton?
Which would you buy and why?
Artex Ceiling (Asbestos Positive) looking for advice on the next steps.
Tips and Q's to ask when viewing houses?
Most up and coming London Neighbourhoods
Opinion on property price
Any tips for offering under asking price?
Completing tomorrow, however...