What is growing next to my banana tree?
Time-traveler UFO hypothesis: Are aliens us from the future?
Landscaping costs
Do cyclists have a bad reputation here?
Colorado Springs Road Cyclists: where do you ride?
Movie that fucks with your mind.
Is it bad that I only ever want to ride solo?
I can't accept having to work and pay bills my whole life. I'm ready to leave this world just to not have to work.
What's your "never again"?
Federal gov't UX roles
Would you move to SLC?
Rejecting FAANG offer
Tech vs. regular GS pay levels?
Weeds under rock garden
What if you suddenly hate what you're working on?
I am weirdly content right now
What is this plant?
What is growing in my lawn?
Oahu: better for road biking or gravel biking?
Case study: how to approach a high bounce rate for a site?
How does one go about contacting friends (non-foreign) for their contact information?
Bigfoot sighting Aspen Snowmass!? Literally on side of mountain. No roads.
After Russia-Ukraine plan, Musk offers proposal to resolve China-Taiwan tensions - Reuters
Is the SPD/BPD dynamic healthy?