How to dress to pass?
Supposed to be open skin to the spine, and what, puss pockets?
I have so many questions
Perfect balance
Daughter wants ears pierced
Disgusting propaganda from my university >:(
Found on Instagram
A shot in the dark - any bassists?
New to norman looking for community
Never was. Never will be.
What exactly is going on at Penn Square Mall right now?
Bar Recommendations
I'll Let You All Come Up With The Title For This
where do i find friends?
Masculine accessories?
Help! Bathroom mold next to the tub
I've deleted social media for 30 days and holy shit, my brain feels different..
What’s your cats name vs what you actually call them?
Aldi Christmas Rat
TMG tattoos?
Train stopped across Boyd Street
What do you call these? Is it a regional thing?
Lyrically dense songs, please!
Guess my #1 but it’s impossible