Another business bites the dust…
Finished Krieg Engineer, these shotguns are my favourite
The guard stands together!
I know it doesn’t have sponsons, but to me this kit is perfect for the gas mask lads!
New kasrkin are out, do you prefer the old or the new sculpt?
Krieg Plasma trooper, finished!
Study of backpacks
Krieg rifle section, middle man is a work in progress
Progress on my heavy weapons troopers, just the backpack to go
Working a red plasma gun for my kreig troops
Limited Edition Catachan Sergeant Value/Desireability
Recently finished my admiral, what do you think
Progress on my admiral
My first 5 new kreig troops completed
Opinions on capes?
3 of my favourite characters ive painted this year
Hello everyone I found this picture and thought it looked cool, does anyone know what colours to use for the armour and the camo
Test models for DKOK prior to the new release, hope you like them
Recently completed Dracosan transport
What's your favorite miniature (aesthetically)
Another day, another hazard cable
I hope you like rivets
Finished all 10 Sternguard
Newly completed sternguard veteran
Nottingham station footbridge has been privatised by EMR (almost)