Any Kyuss fans here?
I wish we had another album that sounded like La Sexorcisto…such a unique album
I miss pre-industrial white zombie…
Much love to bands with creative/funny names!
I found these In my dad's storage are they worth anything?
Ok yall can’t blame me for thinking this.
If you have to erase one wave of figures from Bionicle, which would it be?
Every local scene got…
Papa Hetfield just loves motorcycles and heritage
Why is bending so frowned upon?
Any fans of Weekend Nachos in this sub? They're one of my favorite bands to fall under the "sludge" umbrella, but I feel like they never get talked about on here.
Could Gulch be considered sludge?
At this point, I'd just like to see Del Toro's Hellboy 3 in a comic adaptation
Anyone know what’s going on with sysc?
What do you guys think of Primitive Man?
Classic + Thrash metal fan looking for some good starting bands for hardcore punk
The best drummer of type o negative
My reaction to the DeathBattle
Underrated/Unknown "dead" bands?
So uh… what do I do with these?
Whats your opinion on Goatwhore
TikToker tries public dancing in a foreign country
M. Night Shamalan - All Movie Reviewed and Ranked
Check out the guy’s Bad Brains tattoo in the mugshot
Man, 51, sucker punches a 5 year old in the face and hits an 11 year old from behind in a Target store during unprovoked attack.