How are the servers still this bad?
Galactic imperial armor
Better look at the Star Wars Gear
Server Troubles?
Best Warlock Witness setup.
How is there not an emblem for completing Kell’s Vengeance.
Trouble finding a match in ranked after last update
Kells Fall: Diffraction bugged?
All Illusory Anchors Locations - Revenant Slayer I-IV - Slayer's Fang Shotgun Catalysts
One week later still hardlocked from Dawning event
Anybody having this issue?
Bungie are you going to address the Eva’s Oven lock out issue?
EVA’s Oven reset WTF is going on.
Eva's holiday oven reset close to the end, WHY!??
@Destiny2Team: We've identified an underlying issue regarding Dawning weapons not being focusable and not dropping with double perks after unlocking Eva's upgrade. We are rapidly working toward a resolution.
It’s Rainy Today in Jersey
This Week In Destiny - 12/05/2024
Contest of Elders is fun but underwhelming
Is anyone even using icebreaker?
Ah, check notes, wrong.
[Bungie Help] We have resolved the issue where a Guardian Rank 7 triumph required Ice Breaker kills. This has been auto-completed for all players
Why do so many ppl expect to be carried in Vesper’s?
This Proton Pack Is Not a Toy (Anymore)