Is there any dentist here who can honestly admit that on first dates, during the goodbye kiss, they check with their tongue if the other person has cavities or other dental problems?
Diagnosing possible caries under existing crowns?
Wave one goes to length (file) but the cone doesn’t
Anterior case shade selection
Septo/Articaine 1:100,000 vs 1:200,000
Thoughts on patching crowns with resin composite. (Or what should I tell to a patient that requesting it)
Why the FUCK doesn't the Portland jetport offer directs to Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and/or Iceland?
Case discussion, is this herodontics or no?
My state (MA) just passed a "Dental Hygienists Reciprocal Licensure" bill, meaning we now allow foreign trained dentists to be hygienists
What would you do
Comprehensive tx CE recommendations
How are you guys paying for all the CE?
Is this root resorption?
25% Adjusted collections
‘Doctor, you look so young’
Owner Vs Associate
Just lost a pt bc X-rays
Dentists in Maine that actually do gold crowns.
Why is rural more profitable if the population is mostly low income?
How defective is expired composite
Endo keep cancelling
Owners: How much would you need to produce to pay yourself at least $350,000/year?
What are common complaints or issues with the Telluride?
need help giving feedback
How much do you break the contact when prepping a crown?