A collage of things that I think are interesting
a depiction of grief
Micron pen drawing
Self portrait in micron pen
Family portrait
My response to the state board of ed
Suggest me books that mentally ruined you
Intrusive thoughts
Stacking dolls
"The most overeducated cartoon writers in history."
Kids on a beach.
My boyfriend said he got a boner just from kissing me, is that possible?
“…cheese ass Republican screwballs….”
% of Children COVID-19 Cases in Franklin County - 2021
From a plein air class I'm taking
Told wife about broken shelf, she wants out...
Hey, yeah. Wait a minute…
Why are people actually happy about being able to work from home?
Study of wild flowers in southern Colorado
rejected because I didn't wear mask
I've heard so many horror stories from women who've had bad experiences with doctors. It's insane
Cheryl's she-shed by the sea 😄
What anxiety feels like in my body
I've been making art to process feelings. This one is inspired by the popular pandemic phrase "stay home, stay safe." Everyone locked down with an abuser knows that staying home isn't safe.