What can I do for eye makeup that actually looks good on me?
Nagrade za Yettel petak?
Favourite skin tint?
Finally found some good stuff!!!
My thin hair experience
Doktorka odbija da mi da terapiju
Ovo samo jos kod nas postoji ahaahaha. Malo pre mi bila reklama za ovo cudo praistorijsko :D
The last thing you ate will be his name.
How much today cut off ends?
any ideas on what to add to the background???
How do I make it stop over processing my images into contrasty saturated garbage?
Da li volite svoj posao ili ne?
help me name my cat please , it's a boy!
Help? Is this breakage or new hair?
Help me name this cat! I prefer names that end in ‘y’. Drop your punniest ideas.
Najezda antivaksera u Srbiji
Šta je za vas neprihvatljivo a drugi često rade?
First date perfume choice please!!
Da li mi imamo PO box u Beogradu?
Omg! If you have these please try this combo. I’m getting creamy green (lime) skittle 😍
What does my collection say about me?
Does anyone have a scent that’s similar to this?
Roast my collection
What does my fragrance collection say about me?