I swear, these are some of the most annoying characters in the game
Just sum things bout my gamplay
ho 13 anni e non so andare in bici
Lyrics or Vibes in rap???
Describe your self with one word?
when is that nigga dropping?
What songs do you wish to see on IAMMUSIC album?
Bro I am in a bit of a pickle
Having an argument about who sang the chorus of fe!in, help?
What time should he technically drop if u live in another country?
[COD] Name your favorite Call of Duty game
What do you want the album to sound like?
Recently started to learn how to play Genji, here its my first 3 kill :D (after 4 hours of suffering of course)
Drop some sick beats below
controller sens?
BP counter?
Best song on Utopia?
sono brutta??
Who’s in your Big Three?(tank, dps, support) here’s mine
Rate me out of 10 (completely honestly pls)
Nigga is retarded
Dive Mains Calling for Nerfs
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
In all of rap, which song has the besț flow?