What are teachers actually doing about ChatGPT and other AI’s?
Mmm.. Society. Who is this character?
Which Inquisitor would be more satisfying in Veilguard?
STAT semaine 13 janvier
Sean Bean as Harry Mason
Honestly, I’m Just Really Happy They’re Calling It The “Switch 2”
So I'm not the only one that thinks this thingy on the Switch 2 is a disaster in the making, right?
I’m a bit confused
C’est la fin des Cherry Blossom
Nouveau logo pour le cegep de l'atibibi
Why does my female dachshund keep humping my male cat…
Reminder that how bad Cyberpunk was made the news on TV, not just on websites.
Savage reaction from the BBC
My party size has grown immensely and it honestly scares me a bit
Since I just posted my old babies, it's only fair that I post my current baby! ❤️🐾
Would it be weird to add garbanzo beans to this?
WIBTA if I made my youngest son inherit my estate instead of my eldest?
What is ‘sleep’ in your eyes called in French?
Listening to Carney Speak French
Nintendo Switch 2 backward compatibility doesn’t support every original Switch game
Changer moi d’opinion
Ideas for my Fathomless Warlock pattern?
La série Mea Culpa
Characters That Had Their Series Hijacked From Them
Charles Milliard remporte la première manche