Need help transforming this unmaintained strip and plating natives
What kind of water do you guys use?
How to stop a mead to be a vinegar?
Crazy idea, creamy wine?
Malt ID?
New to the game; might have messed up
What is this?
It's literally not that simple in either direction.
Canna-honey in secondary
American Hazelnuts for Hedgerow? Zone 8b
How can I make sure that this doesn’t produce methanol.
Day 2 of fermentation, is the white mold at the top yeast or harmful bacteria?
What can you tell me about Lagavulin 1995 Distillers Edition?
Tropical wine
Prison Hooch Ideas
Lighting Fixtures
Started a new batch!
Bean Whiskey (update 3 of probably 4 total)
Is my mead bad
First time brewer: catastrophe
Yeast stopped yeasting
A couple of pictures from the capital of Rodalia and her colonies, the Great, the Glorious, Haytill! (1st is looking to the Industrial District, 2nd is in the Slums District, and the 3rd is in John Walsterdon's Mansion in his Cabinet of Curiosities)
Recommendations for replacement windows (Replacing crappy replacements not replacing the originals!! Sadly originals are long gone.)
First time making mead. Is this ok?
Mounjaro denied with type 2 diagnosis- BCBS