Spending $2M/Week on Ads – Here’s How We Test & Scale Creative Effectively
Setting up a new company with Claude Code is so much fun
Remember: the science says that body count matters
how do you say "I will try it” in Spanish in reference to a beverage or a food?
Claude Code is massively underrated. I made this game with a few hours of back and forth...
How many of your new clients actually find you through Google?
Bitcoin officially under 80k……anyone know when this will stop and why this is happening ?????
Who else could have pegged Don Draper?
Who else could have played Don Draper?
3x forkjøla på halvannen måned
I hope claude will get cheaper, I'm going broke with the api costs
Sonnet 3.7 with Cline – $400 Later and Still Not Working. Anyone Else Regretting the Upgrade?
What have you built for real world use?
Kondolerer til de som hadde pakke som ventet på utlevering 💀RIP 📦
Just watched donnie darko and idk why but im kinda freaked out
"What's your split?"
I've taken creatine every day for 14 months, and noticed no difference what so ever. Should I continue?
Støre åpner for samarbeid med Rødt
Helse: er det noe du har sluttet å spise eller drikke?
“Sex increases dopamine levels about 100%, so basically doubles them.”
What Exercises Changed Your Physique THE MOST?
thief gets KO’d by guy who clearly knows his stuff…
Gwern thinks it is almost game over: "OpenAI may have 'broken out', and crossed the last threshold of criticality to takeoff - recursively self-improving, where o4 or o5 will be able to automate AI R&D and finish off the rest."
Where would you live if you had to stop traveling?
This is getting ridiculous
How does everyone's average sleep score look like? Post pictures in comments. I'm curious.