Was a bit challenging with this weather but all good in the end :)
Flight Factor A350+Xplane 12
Any way to remove pilot models completely?
A magnificent flying machine ! (Tu-134A3 / X-Plane 11)
My kind of weather :D [EBBR 180850Z 07004KT 0550 R25L/0800U R25R/1600D R01/1100D FZFG OVC001 M01/M01 Q1031 NOSIG]
After years of SmartCopilot, we tried SharedFlight, and it's great !
BlueBird posted a video of a control test of their 757 on *checks notes* LinkedIn....
Stormy arrival into Hamburg
Capeair ops
The level of detail in those fingerprints is insanity, Fenix is king
LevelUp 737-900/-800/-700/-600
Firefighting/storm chasing etc.
[XP11] Can you still buy SAM WorldJetways from steam?
Sometimes controllers just guess what pilots are saying, right??
You just can't beat the Fenix
Orbiter 2024 Release
Adobo office.
The absolute easiest jet to fly on X-Plane 11?
Vanilla XP12 looks really good sometimes
Air Koryo Tu-134 landing at ZKPY.
Khabarovsk to Vladivostok in Antonov 24
MSFS 2020 still got a lot to offer
A few more FSX screenshots
RAZBAM was developing AH-1Z and MH-6.