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what is your most out there/weird opinion?
What was your favorite gift you bought for Christmas?
If you told 10 year old you about present day you, how would they react?
What is a superstition that you genuinely believe in?
How might threatening to break up with someone over an issue impact the dynamic of the relationship and the way both partners approach challenges moving forward?
Show me your cat’s eyes
She's taking her first steps into the garden
The worst cat names you know
Do any of you have that one little detail about your cats that you just can't get over? I'll start.
What's something you do because you don't trust anyone else to do properly?
What if everyone commented the exact same thing on a post?
What would be your last meal if you knew you were about to die?
How often has your gut feeling turned out to be right?
I used a racial slur and I have not used it ever since