Sunday Carbonara
Bucatini Carbonara
When did Reggae Shack close?
When you finally get your hands on some guanciale
Recommendations for day trip with snorkeling?
First try at carbonara using Luciano Monosilio’s method 🤌🏼
Best place to get some birria tacos?
The Top’s Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe
How long have you been waiting for your camera and/or lens?
Birria Tacos?
First attempt at homemade pappardelle bolognese
Lexington Crossing Ethernet Ports?
Wife's shoes won't clip in, mine will.
Not new but new to me. Pretty sure I’ve started a new obsession here hehe.. my Marcato Atlas 150 pasta roller with cutter. Cannot wait to get home and roll out some dough!
Spreadsheet for Encyclopedia of Pasta
[Homemade] Pancetta and Pea Farfelle Pasta
[Homemade] Mini Venezuelan Arepas
External Monitor for Home Office Suggestions?
2020 Critical Pass MBE Flashcards for sale
Transferring Schools
NC Bar Exam FAQ Update
NC Bar Exam