For those of you wondering if you should look back to heal:
Daily No Contact Thread - Day 019
Something I realized in the most brutal, excruciating way, which may help people here
did yours have a porn problem?
my Great Saiyaman cosplay! 😎
cosplayed my main's intro
6 Month update:
He drove very hard ( to scare me?)
break ups hurt more when your ex was the most attractive person you've been with.
5 Reasons to Never take back somebody who broke up with you.
Talk some sense into me please
Guys how important are looks for you - honestly
Something I learned from BPD
How many of you tried to dump your pwBPD multiple times?
Which of these circles is the best to live in?
It’s so unfair how easy they move on
They always remember the bad
Pwbpd do not grieve normally
Did they brush their teeth?
Daily No Contact Thread - Day 263
In all honesty - physical attractiveness kept me around much longer
Insecure over who my partner follows on instagram
I think my [M28] GF [F26] has BPD, I'm not sure what to do
How many times have YOU acted crazy so they can use it against you.