And that's just NY and just one hotel, how much it is, if you add all the other cities and hotels combined.
Incredible Photograph Of A German Soldier Going Against Direct Orders To Help A Young Boy Cross The Newly Formed Berlin Wall After Being Separated From His Family, 1961.
Abolish the FAA was so 2020! 2022 is all about abolishing the Air Marshalls!
Response from Firstrade
This goes both ways…
Security Clearance
Thumb throttle not going back up?
Trudeau Regime Ordered Disabled Veteran To Be ‘EUTHANIZED’ Because She Cost the State ‘Too Much Money’
And a recession
A Day in the Life of a strong, empowered Twitter employee
Fucking HYPOCRITE! Justin Trudeau standing up for the rights of people in China to protest their government over lockdowns.
oh no oh no
Who was actually the worst President ever?
How socialism nearly killed the Pilgrims -- The pilgrims nearly died out due to their attempt at collective farming.
Germany cover mouths and wear rainbows on kit in World Cup protest
This is awesome, rest of the world are foaming at the mouth lmao
What tf does it stand for
Bold claims given the year-long BLM riots and destruction of 2020 fueled by Dem rhetoric... but hey, what do we know right
Only mad when it fits their agenda
Hypocrites. All of them.
Right Wing vs Left Wing
Unequal Justice... Crazy guy ushered into Capitol for two hours - 41 months in prison. Democrat lawyer firebombs police car and hands out Molotov cocktails to BLM protesters - 15 months in prison.
What a bizarre display this was
I have the strangest feeling that the Democrats will somehow make a comeback and take house as well, at this point you can kiss you freedoms goodbye.
The GOP in a nutshell