Daxxify results!!
Spoiler Thread
What’s up legends, John Summit here
Can someone help with the plant ID of this? Is it a fern? What type?
Are there multiple people behind the mask of CLAPTONE ?? 🤔🤔
Your first look inside Beachwood Brewing's taproom at 2nd & PCH
Second day home. What should be done? A repot?
Please help he dying 😭 leaves dropping off, im worried it's root rot.. Or is it a pot size issue? 1.7m tall from soil base, pot is 38cm diameter, x 30cm height.
Scored these beauts for $13/each today!!
Why is my monstera dripping water in the morning? Never seen this before. New plant (3 weeks?), 1st monstera. Also, where new growth is, the cocoon sheeths are yellow/brown - help?
Monstera help: water droplets on leaves in the morning. Also yellow/browning on the stems where new growth is. Any idea why?
I’ve never seen more than one bud on my FLF. Anyone know what will happen to these 3 buds? Will it create branching?
After 1 whole year of no new growth, combined with gradual leaf drops until there was only 3 hold outs. I am so happy to see TWO new baby leaves! 🌱🥰🌿
New orchid (1month) and already losing flowers. Anyone know why? Great indirect lighting, humid, in bathroom…
Needs some TLC, but I couldn’t resist a 3 branch FLF for $14.99 (Bought at Kroger)
8 ft fiddle leaf dying?
My neighbors GIANT Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. I stare at it in awe every single day!
[US] trade. I have: P pastazanum, P gloriosum, Hoya macrophylla, Schomburgkia tibicinis. ISO: Philodendron gigas, Philodendron verrucosum Mini. Open to others as well, check comments. Can trade all at one time or separate trades
I think ready for a re-pot after one year. Any other advice?
Remember me? About two months ago I posted my dramatic ass fiddle leaf. Now she’s thriving and has gained 14 new leaves in the past 20 days. I’m super proud of this little shit.
I work at a luxury florist where bloomed out orchids are thrown away. I’d like to ship these rescues to someone from this sub. I’ll cover the cost. I just can’t toss them out. Their roots need love but are viable.
Is this Neon Pothos worth buying? It has some variegation on quite a few leaves.
Advice for a Bad Plant Parent
Didn’t think this would work
Anyone know what plant this is? I thought it was a syngonium (arrowhead) but may be alocasia? Help?