[Forza Horizon 5] revealed 165 PS5 trophies for launch!
Movies with this aesthetic??
TV-spelskaparen Josef Fares plötsliga infall – ger bort 300 000 kr till Ella Halvarsson
Need to grind for “Wanted” to finish up GTA4
96% Complete Xbox 360 UK PAL Collection. Any Other 360 Collectors Out There?
Michael Keaton Says Yes To Beetlejuice 2.
Didn't really think I'd ever get here. Just passed 100,000 Gamerscore with 100% Game Completion.
God bless the Szechuan restaurant that just opened down the road from me
The REAL systemic racism!
Does an LG C7 still holds to today's standards?
Found an ad for this cancelled game in my copy of Jericho, anyone heard of this?
An ad in a Swedish gaming magazine from June 2007. What would you pick up if you could go back? (Divide by 10 to get prices in USD)
Swedish gaming magazine from 2007. Has anyone heard of the game "2 Days to Vegas" before? As well as cancelled 360 version of APB
[GIVEAWAY] 3 Deluxe Edition Keys for Prince of Persia™: The Lost Crown on Xbox!
Now I see why everyone hates this game
[Request] How long would it take for him to look through every file?
Is this disc rot? None of these games seem to work.
Baldur's Gate 3 wins Game of the Year
Official GTA VI Trailer Video
Is there any way to know if this Xbox 360 has the blades dashboard? Seller says it's from a bankruptcy warehouse, never been used.
Win an exhibition-quality framed display of 'STARFIELD' courtesy of Frame-A-Game!
What are you playing first? Letter B
Eli5: what happens to the areas where nuclear bombs are tested?
You all remember this
Dead Island 2 - Review Thread