What's a song that makes absolutely no sense but is still a banger?
Looking for movies that are set in a cold place
What is your favorite “F” word besides the obvious?
If sex is supposedly so great, why does the average married American couple only have it once a week?
I'm looking for some off-beat movies that leaving you feeling comforted
long binge worthy shows?
What’s a hygiene habit that people don’t talk about but really should?
Suggest to me your favorite banned book titles
What book to movie adaptation actually did the book justice or was better than the book?
Suggest me a fantasy book for someone who normally doesn’t like fantasy
What actor(ess) has the largest number of cool ass roles. Here's my vote.
Need a classic movie for a 10&8 year old to watch.
What is your favorite HBO original show that people don't talk about a lot?
What is your all time Favourite (or Favourites) Christmas Film(s)?. (Can be any film, doesn't have to be one of these)
What do you think the most unpleasant sound is?
Was this movie seared into anyone else's childhood? Sometimes I feel silly saying it was "important" to me growing up, but...well it was.
What's a better book in audiobook format than physical book?
Trump, or whoever is controlling him, is playing the American people like a flute and getting them to ignore issues that really matter.
Thank you for the invite.
Which look is your type ?
Why do you guys hate trees so much?
Companies are not families. Bosses are not friends. When will people learn?
Suggest me books to listen to while staying in a women’s shelter
Who would you choose?
Who did you get?