A question for ppl above 25, is your life the way u imagined it as a teenager?
Why are you single despite trying?
Haven’t gotten out of my bed since morning.
Feeling little lonely
What song are you listening to right now?
Will You Ever Be Happy?
Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?
Let's hear some sweet, irl love stories where both the partners are loyal asf.
Is there any guy at all who has never been in a relationship or who has never loved someone till now? (21F)
Why do Indian moms say, 'I carried you for 9 months'?
Dumb bish here 🙋♀️
What's your personality type?! (very high effort post, do read it well, and choose your options 🤗)
Need some serious advice 27M in deep confusion
Do you mind spider webs on the corners of your walls?
Which song is on loop in your phone?
Why do you want to live?
How do people do casual dating and hookups?
Who around you committed Sui*i*e you thought never would? How did it personally effect you?
First night in arranged marriage
After a long time!
Late Night Random Discussion Thread (LNRDT)
Its very hard to find these now a days. When was the last time you guys saw this?
She Cheated, Lied & Now Wants to Stay—What Should I Do?
CONTROVERSIAL : What are your opinions on sui*i*e? Do you support it or not?
Unless you’re undeniably ugly, somebody random has masturbated to you at least once.