help im a minor
McDs Cena
Where is he
Is Chris Jericho the only wrestler from the Attitude Era still competing today? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Would yall agree that this is the Mt. Rushmore of wrestling heel turns?
What are some of the worst wrestling attires you've ever seen?
Will Chad Gable be Impersonating other wrestlers from Raw and smackdown Who?
[Rumor] What do you guys think about this ?
What finishing move do you think actually hurts the most (not in kayfabe)
WWE SmackDown Discussion (7 March 2025)
WWE Evolve - Thoughts?
Who is the best wrestler in the world?
They’re bringing it back.
Who would you want his last match to be against
Pretty cool detail from Karrion Kross
Iyo Is My GOAT and idc
hypothetical situation..the dust has settled on Wrestlemania 42..John Cena has won. On Smackdown he throws the wwe championship in the trash and brings back the spinner championship. How do you react?
NXT Discussion (4 March 2025)
How Cena can succeed where Austin failed
WWE RAW Discussion (3 March 2025)
You are the worst booker / writer ever — ruin John Cena’s heel run with a terrible Wrestlemania outcome
If they used The Boss and Wobbly Walrus as 2 new members of The Wyatt Sicks who would they be?
Are they setting up something for Punk?