How to call U.S. landlines from Philippines?
Help open bank account
Whatever happened to Claire the waitress from the original pilot? She became Joey's dad's mistress on Friends.
What do you miss in the US?
Seeking TMJ expert in Manila
Grab Riders Demanding Tips
Electronic audio translator?
How to get a U.S. number to use in Philiippines?
What guarantee do you have that ALL "pornstars" are actually 18+? (And what counts as "child porn")?
Payment of plane required before seat assignment?
Arnold Schwarzenegger moved to America in 1968 (aged 21) so why is his Austrian accent still so thick after 50+ years?
These were posted at the elementary school my mom works at
What’s a show you started watching just because you liked an actor from the show?
I'm taking a massive dump rn at work. AMA
What are these strange window decals on a car in Florida?
Mr. President
Why do Filipinos want such small bathrooms?
Anyone else find it ridiculous how expensive some basic things here are?
Random burn marks have started appearing on my bed, anyone know what could cause this?
If “commie” is a nickname for communists then what is a nickname for capitalists?
I live in an extremally religious country where premarital sex is almost impossible. If I travel to a more liberated country, am I gonna be able to find someone (who I'm attracted to) who is willing to have sex with me? (Not prostitution of course)
Is it reasonable for an employer to expect their employees to show up 15-30 minutes early without getting paid?