I’m banned from ____.
My take on the ”seperate the music from the artist” argument. Agree or disagree?
What is your dream Fortnite collab? (Mine is Chainsaw Man!)
Who would win in a fight Guts or Batman
Hands down the best game I've ever played, don't understand how people could choose jane over kenny
Shove a cigar up there instead
Zillakami old album
Carti seems to have not cut ties with the fat pedo rapist
Has anyone else noticed this (weird issue with Hum music tags on Instagram)
What would you show the most isolated tribe in the world?
I'm not proud to be an American, anyone else?
“I’m sorry, bro. But you got terminal ____ cancer.”
What game comes to mind?
I have to ____ a shit
I am balding since I’m 14y/o
Am I the only one who thinks Griffith looks like robocop?
Did Juice and Zilla ever make a song together???
Spirits what’s your favorite pokemon?
Pick a number and I'll tell you the song
What band got you into metal?
Will Charlie ever talk about the ZillaKami situation?
I just finished watching Berserk 1997...
Who wins? Weapons and no weapons allowed (2 different scenarios)