I can't wait until TikTok is banned so these mfs gotta get real jobs
You’re at the roller rink in the 80’s.. what song hits hardest?
What something you support in theory but know it couldn’t be implemented correctly so you’re against it even happening?
why don't people get shot for the death penalty?
Whats a skill everyone should learn but most people don't ?
What's a modern trend you think people will regret in 10 years?
Dear YouTube. Tone the fuck down on the ads.
What was you dream job when you were a child and what are you doing now?
If emotions/feelings were damage/status effect types what would one be?
On this day in 1958 Scottish serial killer, Peter Manuel is arrested in Glasgow after a series of attacks that lasted over two years and left between seven and 15 people dead. He was hanged in July of the same year.
What's the most obscure Beatles fact you know ?
If you could suddenly possess the ability to read people’s mind, would you accept the gift?
What is your comfort show or a show you've watched many times?
I'm performing an autopsy on a pregnant woman, and things keep getting stranger.
Why did they make emergency calls first?
Do you think one day technology will allow us to create any food we want instantaneously, just by typing it into a computer/device?
Do dogs understand death?
If you could bleed out any liquid, what would it be?
What would be the first thing you do when you invent a time machine?
What order would you put these terms in?
Do you roll over or under ?
What slang word are you sick of hearing
If we're genetically wired to survive why does depression even exists?
What is a hard truth you used to ignore and have now accepted and you have a better life because of it?
What was a huge trend 10 years ago that feels totally forgotten now?