Weighing Scales saying different numbers in different rooms?
Scared to take ADHD Medication, did you life change for the better taking medication?
Tearing with sex
Why do I get bored of any job that i start?
Why do I get bored of my jobs once I’ve been there for a few months?
Tear on vagina that won’t heal
What is the easiest / most beneficial exercise to define your abs / stomach fast? or have you seen the most improvement with…
Splitting and always coming the the conclusion I don’t like others and they shouldn’t be trusted.
How can you tell the difference between BPD and fearful avoidant attachment?
Insecure over who my partner follows on instagram
My intrusive thoughts about breaking up with my boyfriend
How can I stop my gf from feeling she is walking on eggshells due to my anxiety and how I respond?
Not diagnosed but showing a lot of signs of BPD. How can heal on my own whilst waiting for a referral?
break up urges are the worst ones
Tips on getting over breakup urges?
how to deal with strong break-up urges?
On break up urges and the sophistication of ROCD
AP Creating Problems that Don’t Exist?
Are break up urges that are there every day a compulsion? i feel great anxiety from this and want to know how do I deal with these thoughts ?
I had a very odd dream that I have never had before and need help interpreting it’s meaning :) I got shot in the face
I have ROCD, have been in a great relationship for a decade, we have a home together, and are pregnant with our first child. AMA.
I really don’t know the difference rocd or denial
I feel like I know my answer. That I am just in denial and am just forcing myself…. I feel a lot of sadness right now bc I don’t want this to be true…
Ask me anything !
I think I am going to break up for sure I think my rocd is gone and idec