Advice handling player who expressed potentially betraying the party.
Anyway to avoid combat becoming a stagnant slugfest once creatures are engaged with each other?
Just surviving hardship is not worthy of the praise it often receives because for almost all people it's an autonomous condition of life.
A meme for Renaer
I’m a parent and a teacher
Better Call Saul is an infinitely better show than Breaking Bad.
What GameCube titles should I buy that you can't get a modern version of?
Investigation board I made for my players
The evolution of Hokusai's "Great Wave"
Seeking advice for finalizing my homebrew stop the ritual encounter.
If PlayStation put every PS1-PS3 game on the PS Store, what game are you buying first?
Is Kolat Towers and Manshoon's Sanctum doable for a party of 5 lvl 6 players if Manshoon and all human-like creatures are removed?
One-shot with a bunch of locations
How I handled the Cassalanter Founders Day dilemma (Remix)
If the baby boomers had it so good, why are so many facing retirement with no money?
How to Aurinax the Gold Dragon?
Should the fireball kill a PCs love interest?
Was encapsulating your crawl space worth it? Why?
SUVs are incredibly ugly and an unfortunate sign of herd mentality in the USA
Accidentally forgot the Poltergeist. How should I proceed?
How to play out encounters before Zhentarim Hideout?
Halloween build, spooky tavern
Why do schools insist on making kids do everything on computers, but refuse to teach them how to type???
It's a miracle there hasn't been any attempt to remake "Back To The Future".
Waited in the heat for a barrier view only for this girl to do this and bully me throughout the show.