Unohana vs Lille Barro
Who’s the strongest Dragon Ball character that Ichigo can beat?
Ichigo vs Yamamoto H2H
Bankai HoS Ichigo vs SK Yhwach (no almighty). Who wins?
Base aizen ( Karakura Town ) vs royd lloyd
Who is the weakest Person who would survive this Hado no 90?
Shikai Kenpachi vs Goddess of Thunder Yoruichi
Lille Barro vs Aizen forms
Goku vs Kirby
Z Goku vs Naruto, Ichigo and Saitama
Which team wins?
Rank these characters from strongest to weakest
Saitama vs SK Yhwach
Do you think LCS and VCS will ever get a definitive edition?
Which Wrestler in WWE has come close in terms of popularity to him? (Besides Rock, Hogan, & Cena)
What's your ultimate dream match? I think for me it has to be an iron man match with Hart and Angle blowing off a feud.
Which one is your favorite?
In an actual fight, who wins?
Good tier list ?
What's your rarest platinum?
Which verse wins in a free for all.
Better: The Big Eagle or The Winged Eagle?
Who will become the strongest?
Can Goku win?
The king of trash talking even from beyond the grave.