Amy is LOCO for what? (wrong answers only) 😉
Happy 500 members 😄😄😄
An unexpected surprised at Schnucks in St Louis
I work weekend security and just got handed this id
What are the most romantic things someone has done for you?
How to stop ruminating?
Sexy purple though high heels
Love the participation on here Happy 2025💋
Peter? I’ve come across this a few times, but I still don’t get it.
By 50% in fact
Metal/Emo songs to cry to when your upset for any reason
what food would you not eat even if you were paid?
What a weird incel post
Thought yall would appreciate this.
Bruh WTF
Academic by day, alt country boy by... later day.
Gilead: Zombie Edition
Songs that include (sometimes inaudible) whispering:
Normal man sentenced to 210 years for dozens of child porn convictions
What’s something depicted as romantic in movies/TV shows that isn’t as romantic irl?
I changed my first name
Making a list of 100 songs everyone should listen to at least once, round 28/50
People with ADHD, what's something you've done impulsively?
I don’t have X, but…
artists similar to Alice Longyu Gao?