Outlier actively advertising (Instagram)
Are you serious?
Cannot make an espresso (ariete 1389)
Almost reaching my first 100$ 馃帀
No more assessment payments
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Cypher RHLF
I made a latte in my budget setup. I've just started two weeks ago.
Fixing manual coffee grinder.
DataCompute error
Why is Outlier so dead at the moment?
拽爪转 拽砖讛 诇讬 讘讝诪谉 讛讗讞专讜谉
Which bottomless portafilter for Ariete Vintage / 1389 / Classica
Modding the OPV, Turning 15bars to 9bars [Ariete 1389]
诪讛 讛驻专讬 讛讗讛讜讘 注诇讬讻诐? 讜讗诐 讝讛 转驻讜讞, 讝讗转 转砖讜讘讛 讘住讬住讬转?
Hopper coding rlhf
[MOD] The Daily Question Thread
Help pulling espresso down.
looking for airpods pro from Aliexpress/Dhgate
Watery portafilter (Ariete vintage 1389)
Can't figure out water pressure output (Ariete Vintage Coffee Machine)
Ariete vintage coffee machine