Don't you think it is uh... questionable that sims start vet practices by buying one and experimenting on pets? I built a vet school for the upcoming pack so that this oversight can finally be fixed! It's BG + C&D only
What’s everyone’s favourite animal to hunt?
I was creeped out by dutch in chapter 5.
What traditions do you have with each play through?
In this one the Protagonist does Not get an abortion and does Not get Shot
Congrats To Both Couples
Three Houses Marching Band! Who plays what instrument?
Why the Hell is Arthur coughing so much
Your Hapi. Go and nickname the rest of the cast.
Arthur was always doomed.
God damn the thief’s guide kicked my ass
Jack Marston
I have a question about The Elder Scrolls’ Lore could I get a list of?..
Do cougars only spawn during the night
Ok wait, is Gilbert romanceable?
Underrated builds for characters
who is the best unit to recruit as the black eagles if you want a more tanky character.
Van Der Linde Gang vs The Magnificent Seven
Valentines fan comic bc I did not know S SUPPORTING ALLIES MEANT A WEDDING
Laevatein support in three houses
Which Sims game do you love the most?
Felix headcanons
Honest Thoughts Hours: Your feelings on…Loki?
PSA: Adding Emit Relevant to household is quite buggy!