Seriously, who wants Travis Scott in WWE?
hypothetical situation..the dust has settled on Wrestlemania 42..John Cena has won. On Smackdown he throws the wwe championship in the trash and brings back the spinner championship. How do you react?
What was one moment that made you think “this is peak” in cyberpunk?
Comment as if you live in Skyrim.
Redesign do Shrek para o Shrek 5: Bom ou Downgrade?
Who was the bigger cancer to the locker room im the 90's?
What Did You Do with the Afterlife Mercs Who Got Sent After You?
Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel will be in First Person
What do you think about the idea of reducing the number of matches in PLEs?
Saying Cena was over acting at the rumble, really gets on my nerves. The guy is on his final run, given his accomplishments he shouldn’t feel inclined to take it seriously, just have fun.
Does R-Truth deserve a top title before he is done?
Liv should get another run
These should be the Champions rn
This was so bad to watch!
Best Comedic Heel of All Time
What is Dom's ceiling in the WWE? Do you see him as a legitimate world champion down the line?
Tô na estreia de capitão América e a sala cabe numa kombi 97. A era dos filme de boneco acabou
Here are my Wrestlemania match Predictions on the women side if they feel like being generous
Cm Punk's fall was painful
From a gameplay perspective, how good was David's build? (Ignoring the cyberskeleton)
Cyberpunk 2077 is a photographer's dream. Here are some photos I took!
Aaand that’s all folks - Ye deleted his twitter account
More spooky AI things…
I'm Struggling to Think of a Worse Call Up