Whoops, All Celiac's
How do people feel about one way masking at indoor social gatherings?
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
Laundry list of comorbidities, anyone?
Are there consequences for going undiagnosed for 20+ years?
How to safely eat lunch at work during the winter without a car?
What to do next after a scary medical episode that my doctors don't care to examine further?
Scavenged mallard remains were all over my floor, how screwed am I?
As Above So Below - Cut Scenes?
A TikTok Creator is unintentionally impersonating my mom
Didn't think I would need to post here
Hi, what is up with these walmartians?
[CA] I primarily write code. Company took my laptop and desktop for a random audit for 10 days and now are telling me my missed deadlines reflect poorly on me. Is this a constructive dismissal?
I don’t mean to be insensitive when I say this, but why are most people with Down Syndrome somewhat obese?
AITA for not giving my daughter money to buy food since she won’t talk to the college desk to fix her food card?
Any morticians on here?
Came across my future husband today
I got drafted and I'm freaking out
Please tell me I'm not crazy
I got tired of my husbands stupid questions and lied about suffering from hearing loss due to birth trauma. Now he wants me to get an hearing aid.
I'm the reason my mom and grandmom have a broken relationship
My gf came to my work to hit me and i’m so embarrassed
I inherited my grandpa's oil rights at 16 and now make an average of $150,000 a year, AMA