Help me fluster my wife
Used up all my luck on Yanagi. 140 Pulls later and I still have some grinding to do for Miyabi
Please help me with my mono grass team!
If you're doing it solo, the Slowbro from the Cinderace raid wrecks Greninja ASAP
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
Scarlet and Violet Daily Casual Trade Thread for 30 December 2022
Very specific question
I was told zz's are supposed to be slow growers!
What is the most physically painful experience you've had?
Foggy river wetlands in southern Michigan, USA [OC] [2420x1440]
Eagle River Valley, AK [OC] [4056 x 2280]
I feel like I should know what this guy is. I'm thinking some kind of draceana but I'm not sure.
New air plant holder came in so I had to go out and get just the right one for it!
first time repotting , did i underfill?
Just picked this guy up last week! I'm starting to learn that pretty much everything can flower when treated right 😊
Did some trimming of some spindly leaves a couple weeks ago and wanted to show of the nice new fenestrated leaf coming in, and what has to be the tiniest monstera leaf I've seen 👍
Got this cutting from a coworkers office plant. Not sure what it is, we think it's some kind of begonia but neither of is are possitive. Thanks in advance!
First post here, but here’s my attic bedroom!
My Pothos’s new leaves are splitting before they even they open up and I don’t know why. Please help!
All this is thriving yet I kill the basil every damn time
Over the last year I failed to braid my money tree. What can / should I do now?
Monstera help: water droplets on leaves in the morning. Also yellow/browning on the stems where new growth is. Any idea why?
I've seen this guy around a few times but I cant for the life of me remember its name. Love the leaves on it so I picked it up from Superstore, they called it a 6" tropical lol.
We've moved all of our plants downstairs as the colder months approach and now my bedroom is my new happy place :)
What's this guy in the corner of my office? And how might I make him a little happier?