White House Correspondent...
CBC - Poll Tracker - Conservatives still ahead by very large margin
What if pro-Trump Canadians and progressive Americans just... switched places?
What body of water is this?
Veterans ain’t safe in America
Went all in
AIO guy I met on dating app kind of snipped at me…
AIO - asked wife if she blocked a guy she cheated on me with in the past .
2,303 Polish imigrants to be deported from US, according to list from FoxNews
This is the guy that's going to bring our country through safely to the other side. If there ever is one with a dictator as a neighbor. I think not.
What's next...
Weird price movements
What will Soundhound do with the $500m
Republicans are just waiting for the population to react enough to having everything cut so they can bring the military to the streets and rule by martial law for generations to come.
People who remember living behind the iron curtain, how did people cope psychologically with not having basic freedoms?
Short term gain potential opinion
We need a Canadian movie streaming service.
How do you feel about taking this opportunity to poach high value people from the US?
Voting Liberal for the first time in my life
eVTOL show Europe soon
Why would anyone be ok with this! Trumps taking their rights away one by one.
New Brand ID added to the source code of their website
Is this normal? I’ve never provided my SIN for an application