Joe Rogan and Billy Corgan
Tonight is the night that Revolution gives AEW the SOFT and HARD RESET that it needed! THE MOMENTUM SHIFT IS HERE. It’s finally over for you Levesque.
“Not even if you bathed yourself in butterscotch, sweetheart.” Quite possibly the most annoying character in the entire series.
This promo overshadowed pipebomb to me.
Cope Defends AEW’s Storytelling, Breaks Down His Creative Process
Name, full scene?
Not saying he isn’t handsome, but why does the show make it seem like hes the most gorgeous man to walk the earth?
The FBI is allegedly destroying evidence, potentially in the Jeffrey Epstein case
How is Trish reverse aging?
This is who was just named Deputy Director of the FBI
Ben Shapiro Attacks ‘Idiot’ Bill Burr for Billionaire Rant
These two suck each others cock
My collection - I say I'm done, but are we ever really finished?
I make a big success journey, become Why House Communication Director.
Explaining my job description. 😝
I’m glad they’re voicing this
This guy suck his own cock or what? Madone
Official Post by the White House over Congestion Pricing in NYC
Oof Madon’, he looks terrible
Shit's getting real...
Brocks selling was under appreciated.
I'm only here outta respect for Paratha.
The card for RAW tomorrow is STACKED 🔥
It was the fucking meth...