Young Martha (Nate's Mom) Looks Like Lexi?
If Laurie captures Rue whos gonna save her?
Do you think Cassie idolized Nate and Maddy’s relationship? Like all she wanted was love, and from the outside that’s what it seemed.
Away from the whole Maddy and Cassie being Best Friends thing, Would Nate and Cassie make sense? Think about it as in another universe where Maddy and Cassie weren’t best friends and there was no Jules.. would they make sense?
How do the characters Background and Family Dynamics influence their actions and the way they think? Are there any characters you no longer enjoy but you still have a soft spot for, or like a character you want to hate but can’t?
Do you think Maddy REALLY knows who she is?
Would it make sense if cassie were to fight back?
What do you think Season 2 would be like if instead of the Nate and Cassie storyline, we’d have the Nate and Jules storyline? What could you see change when it comes to Cassie and Maddy and Rue? And how would all this result when it comes to the tape?
What are some genuinely unpopular opinions that people have about characters or relationships?
People need to relise Cassie's trauma dosen't mean she isn't a bad person
Anyone else waiting for Nate to finally commit murder?
If Euphoria gives 2 other characters a special episode kind of like they did with Rue and Jules, who would you like to see? And what do you expect to be in those special episodes with the characters you picked?
Make the comment section look like her search history
Why do most people think Maddy is a better “sister” than Cassie to Lexi? Cassie wasn’t even that bad of a sister.
Bb got the most votes for neutral who is neutral evil?
What are some scenes in the show that prove that Rue is an Unreliable Narrator?
What if Anne Boleyn had given birth to a Boy? And the Boy had lived through and went on to become king? What would this mean for Elizabeth, Mary, and Anne Boleyn? What would be their fate?
What would have been the outcome if Henry VIII had an affair with Mary Boleyn whilst married to Anne Boleyn and Mary Boleyn had gotten pregnant with a boy? Whilst Anne Boleyn was pregnant with a later miscarried boy? But Mary’s Boy survives.
What do you think is the whole purpose of Maddy’s Character? What is the message Sam trying to send out to the audience about her character because it seems most audience idolize her due to Appearance? What more is there to her character other than that?
What colors represent each character and why?
What do you think is the most believable theory? And What theory do you think is the least likely? And why?
Do you think that Cassie has always been more envious of the relationship that Maddy and Nate had than being envious of Maddy herself?
What stopped you from killing yourself?
Did Henry VIII son, Henry dislike him?
What did the People smell like during the Tudor Period? (1500s)