Assumir segundo concurso público e ficar com 50h ou manter só um concurso (25h) e focar nos estudos?
Serious question.
oq vcs diriam pra essa pessoa?
Como criar coragem...
O que incluir em um currículo para disputar vaga em escola particular? Como fazer carta de intenção para esse contexto?
What is a free software for composing that is actually good?
Unable to trade AVDS
Buenos Aires SUBS + Dicas
Escolhas para carteira previdenciária
Stock Picking vs. Buy and Hold
No private car in a city should be bigger or faster than a glorified golf cart
To those who are less than 40% international
First Salary, investment advice
There is five inches of snow on the ground, covering a layer of black ice, it’s February and it’s been this way since November. My cargo bike is useless. Please send help. Oh and please send some less dorky clothes.
BuT hOW gRoCerIEs!!!! HOw taKE KiDS to WoRk????
Patch as standalone app
Is a teacher worth it for ear training work?
Any more recommendations on albums similar to these?
The prince: he flies an Apache over the board and can take up to 25 pieces per game
Is this mate?