Looney tunes is a better cartoon than family guy ever will be
Am I the only one who didn't like thiss "developments"?
F23, do your worst and let's see
New Abilities Based on Pokemon Designs
Mario and Luigi if they were Pokemon
What’s the worst theory you have ever heard regarding JoJo?
that sounds like a terrible idea
I have seen so much Jolyne hate on YT and Insta man. Like wtf I thought people liked her.
What makes these 2 OU after being stuck in UU for so long?
All my homies love to fake out
Substitution Day is over, as is the Gen 9 OU Chart. Here are the results!
Well now i understand why this thing is so feared
The Virgin Ignorant Racist vs. The Chad Educated Xenophobe
There are currently 4 Pokémon with signature moves/abilities that ignore protect. Currently in VGC they are:
He is real
average 🇪🇸 aged 16-40yo starterpack
Why didn't Major Briggs keeps this redesign? He looked cool af, is he stupid?
I have just ended S2 and I need you to give me an ending
Movie diversity starterpack
For the person who asked if there was a pokemon more useless than that scarf sableye with 4. At least that set has a tiny chance to do struggle damage
Flirts with the Hostel worker 10/10
Not close to a hot take, I just need to say that I HATE Jonathan's current redesign
What is the most popular Inhuman?
What if ZA HANDO was just a really big hand with legs
He does have a point